6R140 FAQs
Q: Do I need to update my TCM before driving?
Yes. When you receive your transmission, you will get a tag with a "Strategy Code". This code must be calibrated into your TCM to ensure proper shifting. This must be performed with a 'Forscan' Scantool. Your local dealer will be able to perform this; as well as some mechanic shops. Scantools, EzLynk, and other third party OBD tools can not perform this function.
I hear a chirp sound when my transmission shifts
A slight “squawk” between 3rd and 4th gear is normal and caused by the high-energy clutches and steels used in our build. These upgraded materials enhance durability and performance but can produce this brief noise during shifting. It’s nothing to be concerned about and does not indicate a problem.
My truck/transmission isn't shifting right after install
Yes. When your transmission arrives, it will include paperwork with a tag from the valve body containing a “strategy code.” This code must be entered into the TCM before driving to ensure proper operation. Failure to program the TCM can lead to transmission failure.